Key | Summary | Assignee | Status | Story Points | Issue Type |
DP-1 | As an Agile team, I'd like to learn about Scrum >> Click the "DP-1" link at the left of this row to see detail in the Description tab on the right |
Unassigned | To Do | 2 | Story |
DP-2 | As a product owner, I'd like to express work in terms of actual user problems, aka User Stories, and place them in the backlog >> Try creating a new story with the "+ Create Issue" button (top right of screen) |
Unassigned | To Do | 2 | Story |
DP-3 | As a product owner, I'd like to rank stories in the backlog so I can communicate the proposed implementation order >> Try dragging this story up above the previous story |
Unassigned | To Do | 5 | Story |
DP-4 | As a team, I'd like to estimate the effort of a story in Story Points so we can understand the work remaining >> Try setting the Story Points for this story in the "Estimate" field |
Unassigned | To Do | 5 | Story |
DP-5 | As a team, I'd like to commit to a set of stories to be completed in a sprint (or iteration) >> Click "Create Sprint" then drag the footer down to select issues for a sprint (you can't start a sprint at the moment because one is already active) |
Unassigned | To Do | 1 | Story |
DP-6 | As a scrum master, I'd like to break stories down into tasks we can track during the sprint >> Try creating a task by clicking the Sub-Tasks tab in the Detail View on the right |
Unassigned | To Do | 1 | Story |
DP-7 | > Try creating a task by clicking the Sub-Tasks tab in the Detail View on the right">DP-6 This is a sample task. Tasks are used to break down the steps to implement a user story |
admin | To Do | Sub-task | |
DP-8 | As a product owner, I'd like to include bugs, tasks and other issue types in my backlog >> Bugs like this one will also appear in your backlog but they are not normally estimated |
Unassigned | To Do | Bug | |
DP-9 | As a developer, I'd like to update story status during the sprint >> Click the Active sprints link at the top right of the screen to go to the Active sprints where the current Sprint's items can be updated |
Unassigned | To Do | 3 | Story |
DP-10 | As a developer, I can update story and task status with drag and drop (click the triangle at far left of this story to show sub-tasks) |
admin | In Progress | 5 | Story |
DP-11 | DP-10 Update task status by dragging and dropping from column to column >> Try dragging this task to "Done" |
admin | In Progress | Sub-task | |
DP-12 | DP-10 When the last task is done, the story can be automatically closed >> Drag this task to "Done" too |
Unassigned | In Progress | Sub-task | |
DP-13 | As a developer, I can update details on an item using the Detail View >> Click the "DP-13" link at the top of this card to open the detail view |
admin | To Do | Bug | |
DP-14 | As a user, I can find important items on the board by using the customisable "Quick Filters" above >> Try clicking the "Only My Issues" Quick Filter above |
admin | To Do | 3 | Story |
As a scrum master, I can see the progress of a sprint via the Burndown Chart >> Click "Reports" to view the Burndown Chart |
Unassigned | Done | 4 | Story |
As a team, we can finish the sprint by clicking the cog icon next to the sprint name above the "To Do" column then selecting "Complete Sprint" >> Try closing this sprint now |
Unassigned | Done | 2 | Story |
Instructions for deleting this sample board and project are in the description for this issue >> Click the "DP-17" link and read the description tab of the detail view for more |
admin | Done | Bug | |
As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports |
admin | Done | 3 | Story |
As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports |
admin | Done | 5 | Story |
As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports |
admin | Done | 3 | Story |
As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports |
admin | Done | 1 | Story |
As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports |
admin | Done | 2 | Story |
As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports |
admin | Done | 2 | Story |
Sum() = 49 Min() = 1 (DP-5, DP-6, DP-21) Max() = 5 (DP-3, DP-4, DP-10, DP-19) |