Release Notes
5.0.0 (Feb 19, 2025)
Compatible from Confluence 9.0.1 to Confluence 9.3.1
4.3.2 (Oct 22, 2024)
Change the app name from Confluence Browse People Permission to Browse People Permission for Confluence
4.4.0 (Jan 14, 2025)
Fixed Bug:
Fixed some bugs
Allow Anonymous configuration
Restrict access to some pages
4.3.2 (Oct 22, 2024)
Change the app name from Confluence Browse People Permission to Browse People Permission for Confluence
4.3.1 (Sep 23, 2024)
Fixed Bug:
Fixed some bugs
4.3.0 (May 29, 2024)
New Feature:
Restrict some Search functions
Support 3rd-party app
Restrict access to various personal pages
Compatible from Confluence 8.0.0 to Confluence 8.9.0
4.2.1 (Apr 9, 2024)
Support a third-party app
4.2.0 (Mar 28, 2024)
Fixed Bug:
Fixed errors with
Compatible from Confluence 8.0.0 to Confluence 8.8.1
Update plugin java
Remove hibernate2
4.1.1 (Mar 6, 2024)
Fixed Bug:
Fixed text on the banner
4.1.0 (Oct 4, 2023)
Fixed Bug:
Fixed bug automatically enabling inbox macro after upgrading the app
New Feature:
New backup and restore for inbox macro statuses configuration
4.0.3 (Sep 7, 2023)
Fixed Bug:
Fixed bug some user searches with CQL fail to get data
Compatible from Confluence 7.12.0 to Confluence 7.20.3
4.0.2 (Aug 14, 2023)
Fixed Bug:
Fixed bug cache error in DC
Fixed bug broken logo for Secured User Macro
Fixed bug deleting a group
Compatible from Confluence 7.12.0 to Confluence 7.20.3
4.0.1 (Aug 8, 2023)
Fixed Bug:
Fix bug cannot get user list macro usings
Fix bugs in UI
Compatible from Confluence 7.12.0 to Confluence 7.20.3
4.0.0 (Aug 4, 2023)
New Feature
Restrict User Search Permission
Restrict @mentioning Permisison
Introduce the new Secured User List Macro
The admin has the ability to control the “User List” macro
Audit Log
Compatible from Confluence 7.12.0 to Confluence 7.20.3
3.0.0 (April 24, 2023)
New Feature
Restrict @mentioning privileges within spaces based on user membership.
UI for feature restrict @mentioning in Space setting page
UI in the admin site
Backup & Restore CBPP App
Compatible from Confluence 7.5.0 to Confluence 8.4.0
2.0.0 (Mar 03, 2023)
New Feature
UI for configuration whitelist for restrict mentioning a user
Secure mention user data by restricting mentioning user in Confluence
Compatible from Confluence 7.0.1 to Confluence 8.1.1
1.0.1 (Jan 18, 2023)
Re-publication for Data Center
1.0.0 (Jun14, 2021)
New Feature
Secure user data by restricting access to the "People Directory" in Confluence.
Compatible from Confluence 6.0.1 to Confluence 7.12.0