What you will learn here
On this page, you will find instructions on troubleshooting and enabling logging.
If the working process fails, you can utilize the audit log to identify errors and attempt to run it again
As an administrator, you can also review the log file for additional information
Enabling logging
Logging can be useful for the diagnosis of errors with unclear causes and helps us to solve problems faster. If an error occurs in our app, please send us your Confluence log file. This How-To describes the steps to create the required log files.
For all the following procedures, you must be logged in as a user with the Confluence Administrators global permission.
> General configuration.
Under section Administration > Logging & Profiling to open the Logging page, which lists all defined log4j categories (as package names) and their current logging levels.
To set the logging level for another package, in Customize specific logging settings , enter to input Add New Entry
Specify the package name:
and the logging level: DEBUG
Click “Add Entry” to save the new log level.
Continue to use Confluence to reproduce the error condition, so that the necessary log entries are created. This will help us understand what happened.
After sending the file, you should re-open the "Logging and Profiling" page and either turn logging off for
package or set it to "WARN" (recommended). Excessive logging may affect performance.