Parse "Smart JQL" into "JQL"
System Fields
"Smart JQL": project = ATD and assignee = value("Reporter_[reporter]") and timespent = value("Time Spent_[timespent]")
=> “JQL“ project = ATD and assignee = 5b2cb2644bcba343d849b7be and timespent = "2w, 1d"
Field | JQL Token | JQL value | |||
1 | Affects versions | value("Affects versions_[versions]") | List of Affects versions 's name | "(Fixver_1, NewFixVer)" / "(EMPTY)" | Only support comparison method IN for plural fields. |
2 | Assignee | value("Assignee_[assignee]") | Account Id of Assignee | "5b2cb2644bcba343d849b7be"/ 'null' | |
3 | Components | value("Components_[components]") | List of component 's name | "(ATD_v1, test_v2)" / "(EMPTY)" | Only support comparison method IN for plural fields. |
4 | Created | value("Created_[created]") | Date with format yyyy-mm-dd | "2021-03-25" / "EMPTY" | |
5 | Creator | value("Creator_[creator]") | Account Id of Creator | "5b2cb2644bcba343d849b7be"/ 'null' | |
6 | Due date | value("Due date_[duedate]") | Date with format yyyy-mm-dd | "2021-10-18" / "EMPTY" | |
7 | Fix versions | value("Fix versions_[fixVersions]") | List of fixversion 's name | "(Fixver_1, NewFixVer)" / "(EMPTY)" | Only support comparison method IN for plural fields. |
8 | Issue Type | value("Issue Type_[issuetype]") | Name of issue type | "Story" / 'null' | |
9 | Key | value("Key_[issuekey]") | Key of issue | "DP-4" / 'null' | |
10 | Labels | value("Labels_[labels]") | List of label | "(ABC, Add_new)" / "(EMPTY)" | Only support comparison method IN for plural fields. |
11 | Last Viewed | value("Last Viewed_[lastViewed]") | Date with format yyyy-mm-dd | "2021-03-25" / "EMPTY" | |
12 | Original estimate | value("Original estimate_[timeoriginalestimate]") | Value of timespent format ...w,...d,...m,...s | "2w, 1d" / null | |
13 | Parents | value("Parents_[parents]") | Key of parent | "DP-1" / null | |
14 | Priority | value("Priority_[priority]") | Name of Priority | "Medium"/ null | |
15 | Project | value("Project_[project]") | Key of Project | "DP"/ null | |
16 | Remaining Estimate | value("Remaining Estimate_[timeestimate]") | Value of timespent format ...w,...d,...m,...s | "2w, 1d" / null | |
17 | Reporter | value("Reporter_[reporter]") | Account Id of Reporter | "5b2cb2644bcba343d849b7be"/ 'null' | |
18 | Resolution | value("Resolution_[resolution]") | Resolution 's name | "Done" / null | |
19 | Resolved | value("Resolved_[resolutiondate]") | Date with format yyyy-mm-dd | "2021-10-04" / "EMPTY" | |
20 | Status | value("Status_[status]") | Name of Status | "To Do"/ 'null' | |
21 | Status Category Changed | value("Status Category Changed_[statuscategorychangedate]") | Day of Status Category Changed with format yyyy-mm-dd | "2021-10-04" / "EMPTY" | |
22 | Status Category | value("Status Category_[statusCategory]") | Name of Status Category | "To Do" / null | |
23 | Summary | value("Summary_[summary]") | Value of summary | "How to create sprint" / 'null' | |
24 | Time Spent | value("Time Spent_[timespent]") | Value of timespent format ...w,...d,...m,...s | "2w, 1d" / null | |
25 | Updated | value("Updated_[updated]") | Date with format yyyy-mm-dd | "2021-03-25" / "EMPTY" | |
26 | Votes | value("Votes_[votes]") | Number of votes | 5 / 0 | |
27 | Watches | value("Watches_[watches]") | Number of watcher | 2 / 0 | |
28 | Work Ratio | value("Work Ratio_[workratio]") | Value of work ratio | "20" / null |
Custom Fields
Field Type | Description | Value | Note | |
1 | Select List (cascading) | The list value of cascading select | "(Cat, Black)" / "(EMPTY)" | Only support comparison method IN for plural fields. |
2 | Date Picker | Date with format yyyy-mm-dd | "2021-03-25" / "EMPTY" | |
3 | Date Time Picker | Date with format yyyy-mm-dd | "2021-03-25" / "EMPTY" | |
4 | Number Field | Value of field | "50" / 0 | |
5 | Labels | The list of labels | "(Label1, Label2)" / "(EMPTY)" | Only support comparison method IN for plural fields. |
6 | Select List (single choice) | Value of field | "Select1" / "null" | |
7 | Select List (multiple choices) | The list value of select | "(A,B") / "(EMPTY)" | Only support comparison method IN for plural fields. |
8 | Group Picker (single group) | Name of a group | "jira-admin" / "null" | |
9 | Group Picker (multiple groups) | The list value of group | "(A,B") / "(EMPTY)" | Only support comparison method IN for plural fields. |
10 | Project Picker (single project) | The project key | "DP" / "null" | |
11 | Radio buttons | Value of field | "Radio check" / "null" | |
12 | Checkboxes | The list value of checkboxes | "(A,B") / "(EMPTY)" | Only support comparison method IN for plural fields. |
13 | Text Field (read only) | Value of field | "Readonly" / "null" | |
14 | Short text (plain text only) | Value of field | "Text field" / "null" | |
15 | URL Field | Value of field | "url field" / "null" | |
16 | User Picker (single user) | Account Id of user | "5b2cb2644bcba343d849b7be"/ 'null' | |
17 | User Picker (multiple users) | List account Id of users | "(5b2cb2644bcba343d849b7be, 232354dd3r53)" | Only support comparison method IN for plural fields. |
18 | Version Picker (multiple versions) | The list name of version | "(version1, version2") / "(EMPTY)" | Only support comparison method IN for plural fields. |
19 | Version Picker (single version) | Name of a version | "version1" / "null |