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Release Notes

A short explanation on version numbers

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  1. MAJOR version when incompatible API changes are made

  2. MINOR version when functionality in a backward-compatible manner is added

  3. PATCH version when the backward-compatible bug is fixed

6.3.6 (June 7, 2024)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug that causes the number of requests to scale up each time an issue is accessed in the Issue Navigator

New Features

  • “Key” option for Jira Field which is used to search for issue keys text


  • Compatible from Jira Server 8.13.0 to Jira Server 9.14.1

  • Compatible from Jira Data Center 8.13.0 to Jira Data Center 9.14.1

6.3.5 (January 26, 2024)

Bug Fixes

  • Can not load Confluence links in some panel


  • Compatible from Jira Server 8.0.0 to Jira Server 9.12.1

  • Compatible from Jira Data Center 8.0.0 to Jira Data Center 9.12.1

6.3.4 (August 3, 2023)

Bug Fixes

  • Cannot delete field rows when editing panel


  • Compatible from Jira Server 8.0.0 to Jira Server 9.10.0

  • Compatible from Jira Data Center 8.0.0 to Jira Data Center 9.10.0

6.3.3 (May 23, 2023)


  • Update spring scanner for library

  • Change encoding to UTF-8

  • UI: Epic Issues without line break


  • Compatible from Jira Server 8.0.0 to Jira Server 9.8.1

  • Compatible from Jira Data Center 8.0.0 to Jira Data Center 9.8.1

6.3.2 (Mar 22, 2023)

Bug Fixes

  • Cannot load all linked confluence pages correctly 

  • Not displaying the correct number of confluence links in Issue Links Panel


  • Compatible from Jira Server 8.0.0 to Jira Server 9.7.0

  • Compatible from Jira Data Center 8.0.0 to Jira Data Center 9.7.0

6.3.1 (Nov 14, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Cannot open pages on Jira 9.1.1

  • Cannot get Issue Types on Create Panel page


  • Compatible from Jira Server 8.0.0 to Jira Server 9.4.0

  • Compatible from Jira Data Center 8.0.0 to Jira Data Center 9.4.0

6.3.0 (August 08, 2022)


  • Compatible from Jira Server 7.12.1 to Jira Server 9.2.0

  • Compatible from Jira Data Center 7.12.1 to Jira Data Center 9.2.0

6.2.1 (June 06, 2022)


  • Upgrade version for gson dependency to avoid vulnerability


  • Compatible from Jira Server 7.12.1 to Jira Server 8.22.3

  • Compatible from Jira DataCenter 7.12.1 to Jira DataCenter 8.22.3

6.2.0 (Mar 22, 2022)

New Features

  • Drag & drop for Smart Subtask panels


  • Compatible from Jira Server 7.12.1 to Jira Server 8.22.1

  • Compatible from Jira DataCenter 7.12.1 to Jira DataCenter 8.22.1

6.1.2 (Nov 02, 2021)


  • Compatible from Jira Server 7.12.1 to Jira Server 8.20.1

  • Compatible from Jira DataCenter 7.12.1 to Jira DataCenter 8.20.1

6.1.1 (Sep 08, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug: The Smart Panels for Jira app cannot be installed in Jira 7.13.18 due to incompatible issues

6.1.0 (Aug 23, 2021)

New Features

  • Using Rank as the default soring for Smart Issues in Epic panel


  • This is the initial version for Jira Server/Data Center 7.12.1 to 8.18.2

6.0.0 (Jun 01, 2021)


  • This is the initial version for Jira Data Center 7.12.1 to 8.17.0

5.0.2 (May 25, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug: Cannot see Smart Issue In Epic Panel in business project


  • Compatible from Jira 7.12.1 to Jira 8.17.0

5.0.1 (Dec 18, 2020)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: The System Setting page cannot be displayed correctly in Jira Core


  • Compatible from Jira 7.12.1 to Jira 8.14.0

5.0.0 (Oct 30, 2020)

New Features

  • Introduce the Smart System Panel Template


  • New layout for pagination of Smart Sub-Tasks panel, Smart Issues In Epic panel


  • From Jira 7.12.1 to Jira 8.13.0 Compatibility

4.0.0 (Sep 23, 2020)

Link document of "Smart Panels for Jira" version 4.0.0

New Features

  • Introduce the export feature for the Issues Panel. Can export Issues Panel to Excel/CSV type

  • Introduce the calculation feature for the Issues Panel.

  • Show the Smart Panels in Agile Board

  • Notification for the admin if WiKi Server cannot reachable

  • Additional JQL Function is extended to being able to handle multi-value inputs

  • Additional JQL Function can compatibility with another JQL function


  • New layout for pagination of smart panels and admin overview page

  • New layout for Smart Issue Links

  • Improvement: CSS for Smart Panels in the issue view page

  • Alphabetical sorting of all suggestion lists in Smart Panel configuration forms

  • Strikethrough the issue-key of smart issue panels if the issue is resolved

  • Improvement performance for the columns table with big data

  • Remove the permission disable/enable system panel of project administrator

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: When clicking copy the wiki panel if the user doesn't authenticate with Confluence will get the error page

  • Fixed: Don’t validation for the viewer - project role

  • Fixed: One Smart Issue panel has an error will break all Smart Issue Panels

  • Fixed: JQL function have an error when the value of the field contains character double quote


  • From Jira 7.12.1 to Jira 8.12.1 Compatibility

3.0.1 (Jul 15, 2020)


  • Marketplace presence


  • From Jira 7.12.1 to Jira 8.10.1 Compatibility

3.0.0 (May 29, 2020)

Link document of "Smart Panels for Jira" version 3.0.0

New Features

  • Introduce a new Smart System Panel - Issues In Epic Panel, customize the content of “Issues In Epic” Jira built-in panel, such as add additional issue metadata and add customized header name.

  • Introduce the System Settings page, give administrators the ability to control the global use of the Smart System Panel or Jira built-in panels.

  • Changing the default behavior for Smart System Panels. By default, the Smart System Panels are not used.

  • Remove feature disable the app automatically when the license is expired

  • Add a search field to the Manage Panels page and Project Configurations page

  • Add sorting to the Manage Panels page

  • Add reordering panels feature to arrange the position of the panel in the issue view page

  • Can Enable/Disable Panel directly in the Manage Panel page

  • Issue Panel/ Wiki Panel is also shown in the search view page


  • Jira 8.8.1 Compatibility

2.0.0 (Apr 06, 2020)

Link document of "Smart Panels for Jira" version 2.0.0

New Features

  • The app name is now changed to Smart Panels for Jira

  • Introduce a new panel type - Wiki Panel, which will show the relevant articles from linked Confluences

  • Added Backup / Restore feature, now you can backup all panels and configurations, or restore them from your backup.

  • Pagination for long pages, such as Manager Panels, Project Configurations

  • Auto-scroll to the input field after validation error

  • Added JQL tokens, which helps you to define even more complex JQL, reflect the dynamic context of Panel and Issue

  • Limit "Filter Suggestion" for "Issue Panel" to those filters which are shared with the corresponding project and currently logged in user

  • Disable the app automatically when the license is expired

  • Change the display name of Panel Editor

  • Introduce new layout for “Issue Links” panel

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Wrong order of the columns in panel view

  • Fixed: SQL Exception with oracle DB

  • XSS Vulnerability Prevention

  • Fixed some other minor bugs


  • Jira 8.8.0 Compatibility

1.0.3 (Feb 19, 2020)


  • Jira 8.7.1 Compatibility

1.0.2 (Nov 13, 2019)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: SQL Exception with Postgres and MySQL DB

1.0.1 (Nov 08, 2019)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: The link to the configuration edit page not reachable from the project settings panel.

  • Fixed: Deleting the associated project in Jira can cause the panel configuration UI to crash.

  • Fixed: Deleting the corresponding custom field in Jira can cause the panel UI to crash.

1.0.0 (Oct 30, 2019)

The first version has been released.

Link document of "Smart Panels for Jira" version 1.0.0

New Features

  • Customize the content of Jira built-in panels “issue links” or “sub-tasks”, such as add additional issue metadata, add customized header name.

  • Customize the layout of the panels on the user interface, such as reordering or ranking columns of the panel.

  • Limit the number of issues displayed in the panel, and use pagination to browse all issues.

  • Create new panels for your project with your own conditions and content configuration.

  • Select your project to get the only project-specific information such as Issue types, filters, project roles, and groups of users.

  • Use the simple and known JQL to define your condition.

  • Access to already existing filters so implementing JQL from scratch is not needed.

  • Use the permission concept to limit the visibility of a panel to a group or a project role.

  • Use the permission concept to allow project administrators to customize their project panels.

  • Enable the panel if it is temporarily not needed.

  • Copy panel configuration.

  • Remove the panel if it is not needed anymore.

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