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Current Limitations

What you will learn here

On this page, you will learn about the current limitations of UDC

Because of the following limitations, some personal data will not be cleaned up. We will try to fix that in the next releases

External user directories

UDC can't anonymize users stored in external user directories (like Crowd). You need to remove a user from the external directory, sync the directory with Jira, and only then anonymize them.

JQL Queries

Personal data that appears in JQL queries won’t be anonymized. Queries that are specific to Jira Service Management will be shown in the Actions required on your side list, so it should be easy to edit them, but all the remaining ones won’t be included. You'll need to review all JQL queries and manually delete usernames if they appear inside.

Third-party apps

Personal data stored in 3rd party apps won't be anonymized by default. However, we gather all anonymization handlers defined by vendors and use them to anonymize user-related data in 3rd-party apps.

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