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What you will learn here

This guide explains how to delete a group using the Group Master plugin in Jira. You'll learn how to permanently remove a group and its associated data, a feature not available in Jira's built-in options. The guide also covers handling components that need a substitute before deletion, ensuring the process is done correctly and system stability is maintained.

For all the following procedures,

  • User Data Cleanup App must be installed on your Jira data center (see our Installation Guide for detailed instructions).

  • You must be logged in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission.

Follow these steps to go to the Copy Usage page:

  1. image-20240503-111409.png Select > User management

  2. Under the section Group Master select Manage Groups

  3. Select one specific group and submit the Delete action


Delete Group

This feature allows you to permanently remove a group and its associated usage data from Jira.

Before deletion, you must specify a substitute for those configurations linked to the group, such as project roles and permission schemes. This ensures a smooth removal process and maintains system stability.


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