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Configure Graphic Language Schemes

Step by step guide

  1. Click the cog icon 
    and choose Add-ons from the drop-down menu

  2. Go to the Add-ons Administration page. On the left side of this page, under WORKFLOW GRAPHICS section, select Graphic Language Schemes

  3. In View Graphic Language Schemes page, click 
  4. In the popup window, enter the name and description for your scheme, and then click Add. Note that the name field is required, the description is optional.

    Once the creation successfully, you will be redirected to Configuration Graphic Language Scheme page, with your scheme name on the title.

  5. Click on the
     to go to Add Graphic Language Entry page, here you can associate your graphic with a language.

    Here you have 3 options to add a graphic:
      + Use an URL
      + Upload an image from your computer
      + Choose one from all existed graphics
    After choosing a language and specifying the graphic, click Add.
    If successful, you will be directed back to the Configuration Graphic Language Scheme page, where you should see your new entry in the list

  6. Go back to View Graphic Language Schemes page by clicking again on Graphic Language Schemes on the left navigation. Your scheme should be seen in the list.

You are done with Graphic Language Scheme configuration.

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