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Create Backup

This page describes how to back up your Workflow Graphic data. You need to create a back up if you plan to upgrade your server to a new Jira revision or split your Jira instance. To create a backup follow the steps below.

  • Choose
    > Add-ons
  • Select WORKFLOW GRAPHICS > Backup CONFIGURATION to open the Backup Workflow graphic data page.

The location of workflow graphics XML backup is displayed on this page. 

The location of workflow graphics XML backup is displayed on this page. 

  • Type the name of the backup file in the "File name" field

Ensure that Jira has the necessary file system permissions to write to this location.

  • Click the 'Backup' button and wait while your Jira data is backed up.
  • When the backup is complete, a message will be displayed, confirming that Jira has written its data to the file you specified.

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