Smart Panel in Issue View
With Smart Panel for Jira app, the user has near endless possibilities to adapt the issue panels in your projects to your specific needs.
On this page
Smart Wiki Panel
User has a new panel to enable you to show you Confluence pages based on CQL

Reload button: Update immediately data of wiki panel. Normally the wiki panel will update after 5 mins
Results: Totals of the articles get from Confluence in the current wiki panel
Show: How many articles will be shown on one page
List of page number: Click to redirect to the page you want to see
Goto: Enter the page you want to jump in
Wiki Panel Message

If you got a similar warning panel, it means the configuration of that smart wiki panel has a problem. Please make a screenshot then contact your project admin or Jira administrator.
Smart Issue Panel
User has the option to get custom panels from admin with witch show you issues based on JQL

Export button: Export the current panel to Excel/ CSV. More information on the export page
Statistics button: Calculate sum(), min(), max(), mean() of numeric data columns in a issue panel. More information on the statistics page
Results: Totals of the articles get from Confluence in the current wiki panel
Show: How many articles will be shown on one page
List of page number: Click to redirect to the page you want to see
Goto: Enter the page you want to jump in
Issue Panel message

If you got a similar information panel, it means the configuration of that smart issue panel has a problem. Please make a screenshot or export the message then contact your project admin or Jira administrator.
Smart System Panel
User can get more information, data in the issue links panel, sub-tasks panel, and issue in epic panel