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Smart Issue Panels for Jira

What is an "Issue Panel"?

The Issue Panel is an additional panel in the issue view screen. The panel contains a list of issues based on a dynamic search.

An Issue Panel can be created by Jira Administrators and can be configured by Jira Administrators or Project Administrators.

On this page

For all the following procedures,

  • Smart Panels for Jira Add-on must be installed on your Jira server with a license or trial license (see our Installation Guide for detailed instructions).

  • You must be logged in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission.

Creating a new Issue Panel

An Issue Panel is specific to a single project. If you want to reuse the configuration of an existing Issue Panel, go to step Copying an Issue Panel on this page.

  1. Choose :cog_icon: > Manage apps.

  2. From section SMART PANELS, select Manage Panels.

  3. Click Create New Issue Panel.

  4. Use the form to configure the following attributes and conditions of your panel:




Additional Information




Enter the name for the panel.

Use a self-explanatory panel name so users can understand the purpose of your panel.

max. 254 characters



Add a description of the panel.

max. 4096 characters



Select the project for which the panel will be displayed.

Single Select Field


Issue Type

Select specific issue types to display the panel on issues of selected issue types only.

Multi-Select Field
Default: “Any issue type”


Enabled Panel

The panel can be enabled or disabled. Only an enabled panel will be displayed in the Issue View Screen.


Content > Max Issue Count

Max Issue Count

Choose the maximum issue number on one page. Use pagination to avoid overcrowded panels.

Default: 10
Min.: 1
Max.: 100


Content > Filter

For detailed documentation see Constructing the JQL Query


Use JQL (Jira Query Language) to search for issues.

Auto-complete function to suggest writing correct JQL.
The validation of the JQL query is performed when displaying the panel to the user.

Incorrect JQL semantics will result in an error message in the panel view.


Additional JQL Function

Paste currentIssueField() with the selected field as a placeholder to the JQL field.

Allows to perform a dynamic search on issue specific values.

For detailed documentation see Constructing the JQL Query



Paste JQL from suggested pre-defined filters to the JQL field.

Suggests all filters which are shared with the current user and selected project.


Content > Columns


Select the metadata of the issue to be displayed. Optionally customize the header.

  • To add a new column, select field from single select field, optionally enter custom header and click Add.
    To delete a column, click Delete.

  • Panel will show the default field name if header is empty and custom header if header is entered (max. 50 characters).

  • Use Restore default columns / Reset to previous columns to restore five default columns (Title, Creator, Created, Last Modified) or reset to the previously saved columns.

  • Drag and drop a column to set the order of columns in panel view.




Grant permission to view the panel to certain groups, project roles, etc.

Jira administrators are default viewers. If no permission is selected, the default will be applied.



Grant permission to edit the panel.

Jira administrators are default editors. If no permission is selected, the default will be applied.


5. Click Create and you will be redirected to the Manage Panels page.

Constructing the JQL Query

In the content section Filter we use JQL to construct the search query. The result of this search query is a list of issues that will be displayed in the Smart Issue Panel.

  • Define your JQL in the JQL field. Advanced JQL features like auto-completion, operators, etc. are available.

  • The field Helper allocates all filters which are shared with the current user and selected project.
    Selecting a filter will paste the respective JQL query to the JQL field. You can further edit the query in the JQL field after it has been pasted.

  • An additional JQL function of type currentIssueField() was added to perform a dynamic search on issue specific values. Select any allocated field in the Additional JQL function drop-down and a respective currentIssueField() function will be generated and added to the JQL field automatically.

Available System Fields

Available Custom Field Types

  • Affects Version/s

  • Assignee

  • Components

  • Creator

  • Environment

  • Fix Version/s

  • Issue Type

  • Key

  • Labels

  • Priority

  • Project

  • Reporter

  • Resolution

  • Status

  • Summary

  • Text Field (single line)

  • Text Field (multi-line)

  • Text Field (read-only)

  • Number Field

  • URL Field

  • Select List (single choice)

  • Select List (multiple choices)

  • Radio Buttons

  • Group Picker (single group)

  • Group Picker (multiple groups)

  • User Picker (single user)

  • User Picker (multiple users)

  • Version Picker (single version)

  • Version Picker (multiple versions)

  • Labels

  • Project Picker (single project)

Examples for using the Additional JQL function currentIssueField()

To construct a search based on any of the issues system fields, select the respective system field.

  • To perform a search based on the issues current reporter, select “Reporter“.
    The following query will return all issues that are assigned to the current reporter:

assignee = currentIssueField("Reporter[reporter]") 
  • Whereas the following query will return all issues which have a component in the current issues component list:

component in currentIssueField("Component/s_[components]")

To construct a search based on the current issue itself or a search that excludes the current issue, select the system field “Key”.

  • Get a list of all issues linked with the current issue and use it to create your own customized Issue Links panels such as e.g. “Related Bugs”. The following query will return all bugs that are linked to the current issue:

issue in linkedIssues("currentIssueField("Key_[issuekey]")") AND issuetype = Bug
  • To exclude the current issue from the search result you can add the following to your JQL query:

AND key != currentIssueField("Key_[issuekey]")

To construct a search based on any of the issues custom fields, select the respective custom field.

  • To perform a search based on the value in the field “Customer“, select “Customer”.
    The following query will return all issues where the custom field “Client” has the same value as the current issues custom field “Customer”:

Client = currentIssueField(“Customer_[customfield_10021]“)

Adding a new Issue Panel directly to a project

  1. Choose :cog_icon: > Add-ons.

  2. From section SMART PANELS, select Project Configurations.

  3. Locate the desired project and click :button_action: > Create Issue Panel.

  4. On the Create New Issue Panel page use, the form to configure the attributes and conditions of the panel (see above table). The project parameters will be preset according to your selection.

  5. Click Create and you will be redirected back to the View Project Configurations page.

For the following procedures, at least one Issue Panel must already exist.

For all the following Actions:

  1. Choose :cog_icon: > Manage apps.

  2. From section SMART PANELS, select Manage Panels.

  3. Select tab Wiki Panels.


  • You can sort your panels by Name or Status.

  • To trigger the sort, click on the header Wiki Panels or Status of the panel table.

Editing an Issue Panel

  1. Locate the desired Issue Panel and click :button_action: > Edit.

  2. On the Edit Panel page, use the form to configure the attributes and conditions of the panel (see above table).

  3. Click Update and you will be redirected back to the Manage Panels page.

Copying an Issue Panel

  1. Locate the desired Issue Panel and click :button_action: > Copy.

  2. On the Create New Issue Panel page, use the form to configure the attributes and conditions of the panel (see above table). The panel parameters will be preset according to your selection.

  3. Click Create and you will be redirected back to the Manage Panels page.

Enabling/Disabling an Issue Panel

  1. Locate the desired panel and click :button_action: > Enable/Disable.

  2. Select the option Enable or Disable depending on the panel status.

Removing an Issue Panel

You can only remove Smart Panels that have been disabled. Disable your panel prior to deletion.

  1. Locate the desired Issue Panel and click :button_action: > Remove.

  2. Confirm "Are you sure you want to remove this panel?" with clicking Remove and you will be redirected back to the Manage Panels page.

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