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Smart System Panels for Jira

Smart Panels for Jira also gives you the ability to customize Jira built-in system panels such as Issue Links, Sub-Tasks, and Issues In Epic.

Smart System Panels can be customized by editing templates in System Settings.

Granting project administrators to editor make it also possible that project administrators can be able to reconfigure the Smart System Panels in their own project, see Project Administrator Guide .

On this page

For all the following procedures,

  • Smart Panels for Jira App must be installed on your Jira server with a license or trial license (see our Installation Guide for detailed instructions).

  • You must be logged in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission.

  • The Smart System Panels must be enabled globally in System Settings .

  • Smart System Panels are not deletable. You can only enable them globally or disable them for a specific projects.

Editing a Smart System Panel

  1. Choose :cog_icon: > Manage apps.

  2. From section SMART PANELS, select Project Configurations.

  3. On the View Project Configurations page, locate the desired project and click on the System Panel you would like to customize e.g. Sub Tasks, Issue Links, or Issues In Epic.

  4. Use the form to configure the attributes and conditions of the panel:




Additional Information



Enabled Panel

Panel can be enabled or disabled. Only an enabled panel will be displayed in the issue.


Use Template

Switch on: To use the Smart System Panel Template. Apply the configuration of the template for panel

Switch off: Do not use the Template

When using the template, data from the template will be filled into the form. The attributes MaxIssueCount, Columns, Viewers, and Editors will be changed to read-only mode



Max Issue Count

Choose the maximum issue number on one page. Use pagination to avoid overcrowded panels.

Default: 10
Min.: 1
Max.: 100



Select the metadata of the issue to be displayed. Optionally customize the header.

  • To add a new column, select field from single select field, optionally enter custom header and click Add.
    To delete a column, click Delete.

  • Panel will show the default field name if the header is empty and custom header if the header is entered (max. 50 characters).

  • Use Restore default columns / Reset to previous columns to restore five default columns (Title, Creator, Created, Last Modified) or reset to the previously saved columns.

  • Drag and drop a column to set the order of columns in panel view.




Grant permission to view the panel to certain groups, project roles, etc.

Default viewers of System Panels are Everyone. If no permission is selected, the default will be applied.



Grant permission to edit the panel.

Jira administrators are default editors. If no permission is selected, the default will be applied.


6. Click Update and you will be redirected back to the View Project Configurations page.

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