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Administrator Guide

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As an administrator, you can establish cleanup rules to manage user data cleanup effectively in the two-stage concept. These rules allow you to define the cleanup process for various types of Jira user data, specifying actions such as removal or transfer at different stages and in a specific order.

Organizations often need the ability to track work history even after a user has left Jira. The two-step cleanup facilitates the retention of necessary user data and ensures that it remains traceable for an acceptable period of time after the day of leaving before the final cleanup.

Within the Administrator interface (UI), options are provided for both Leaving Day Clean and Permanent Clean. Administrators can configure specific rules customiozed to different user groups. Explore the Use Cases for potential examples.

Use Audit Log for troubleshooting or inquiries concerning cleanup specifics. Audit Log records activities throughout the Cleanup process in the Audit Log section.

In the Backup and Restore section, you can back up your rule configuration, which is advantageous for environment backups or migration scenarios.

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